Sunday, June 5, 2011

What your feeling is Carotid Turbulence.... but the good news is nothing has changed!!!

I saw my Vascular doctor Friday,,,, I have been having very hard thumping feeling in my right carotid artery, it was thumping so hard while the ultrasound tech was doing my ultrasound that he said it was kicking the probe,  then they had a new PA. she looked about 18, and she didn't know how to pronounce Fibromuscular Dyplasia. Then the doc came in and said yes..... what I'm feeling is turbulent blood flow hitting against the lumpy beads in my arteries, but the ultrasound results were the same as 6 months ago, 60% stenosis in the left C artery and 70% in the right. C artery. But will check them when they do the angiogram to check the clip in my brain. Oh joy joy....I guess this will take place Oct or Nov. At least they can see more whats going on with the angiogram, but it carrys more risk and is much more invasive.

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