Saturday, May 7, 2011

Some cute Avery sayings.....

One reason I started this blog is to keep a record of  my health stuff, but mainly to remember things my granddaughter Avery says.... hence the name of the blog... one night while laying in bed, now she's 4 and into fairytales, but when she looked at me very seriously and said "granny did you wear glass slippers when you married Papaw"... I knew I had to keep all these cute saying some where...and my blog was born. I can use my computer  easier than writing since I'm having problems with my hands.  A couple more cute Avery sayings...We were talking about vegetables, I was asking  her if she liked this one at that one.... and she said " I like corn it's a begetable" so sweet...... and we were watching one of those in-between kid and teenager shows they have on now... there was a kid about 12 singing, he sang really good, but Avery looked at me and said " he's not handsome".  What does a 4 year old know about handsome? guess it goes back to the fairytale thing again... the handsome prince...haha. Of course there's time she spews venom, saying things not so sweet, but very normal I think.

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