Life with my sweet grandaughter,who thinks life is a fairy tale.. and coping with a rare disease...or as some say rarely diagnosed...

Thursday, May 26, 2011
Avery and her fashion and Style....
I should have known better than buy Avery alot of clothes and course she get's alot of clothes as gifts from family, but really had no way to know.. at age 4 now, but this started a while back). anyway I didn't know she would have her own style, and down right just want wear something she doesn't want to wear. I'm trying positive discipline, when shes here,which is only about 17 waking hours every other week... so I'm not fighting about everything, with my health challenges, it's not worth it. And anyway I love that little girl to pieces and don't want to be mean to her when shes here. Sooooo, I basically let her wear what she picks out, within reason. Of course I'd rather have a little more say so, but she has her style.....OK. Saturday to lunch at J&S she wore a pink Bass Pro Tshirt with a big BASS on the front, and pink and black CAN-CAN skirt intented for Halloween, but she loves it cause she and Matt bought it on sale after Halloween, she wore her princess shoes, Sunday we went to Asiana, and she picked out a cute dress to wear... because I told her the can-can skirt was dirty, but she picked out to halloween hairbows for her hair, I have to say even though it's May the bows did match pretty good. She wore Repunzel slippers with flowered sandels over the slippers. I didn't get pics of her wearing the outfits but did take a pic of the outfits. We had a great, fun weekend... I'm a little worried though, she was telling me that I-carly and Victorias fell in love with the same boy....what... what does she know about this falling in love business..haha ....well that another story for next time. I don't remember any fashion issue with my boys, at least not at this age.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Mothers day gift...
Guess what Avery and Matt gave me for mothers day....the crud, they were both sick when they were last here... now I have a sore throat and stuffy head., the cough will come soon if I'm like them...Time to gargle.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Brain aneurysms....
Today when I was checking out at Walmart, The guy commented on the gift I got my Mom for Mothers day, one of those things you put in the shower and slide your foot in it to wash your feet instead of bending down. I said she has had alot of surgery and can't bend... and that when you have almost any surgery you can't bend, I then told him I had Brain Surgery 6 months ago for a brain aneurysm, and couldn't believe how hard it is to avoid bending. He said he new all to well about aneurysms... his mom died 20 years ago from a brain aneurysm. He was so happy to hear I had such a good outcome, so many people have stories like that. And total strangers are in awe that I'm doing so well. I had a lady at Kmart call me a walking miracle... it was 2 weeks after my surgery. It's very touching to get those reactions from strangers.
Happy Mothers day....
Had a great day, Tom took me out to lunch, then we visited his parents, maybe see my mom tmw... I'm tired out now, thats what shopping does to me now. Posting a picture of mama and Avery in honor of Mothers day. Mama is 81, she looks good...
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Some cute Avery sayings.....
One reason I started this blog is to keep a record of my health stuff, but mainly to remember things my granddaughter Avery says.... hence the name of the blog... one night while laying in bed, now she's 4 and into fairytales, but when she looked at me very seriously and said "granny did you wear glass slippers when you married Papaw"... I knew I had to keep all these cute saying some where...and my blog was born. I can use my computer easier than writing since I'm having problems with my hands. A couple more cute Avery sayings...We were talking about vegetables, I was asking her if she liked this one at that one.... and she said " I like corn it's a begetable" so sweet...... and we were watching one of those in-between kid and teenager shows they have on now... there was a kid about 12 singing, he sang really good, but Avery looked at me and said " he's not handsome". What does a 4 year old know about handsome? guess it goes back to the fairytale thing again... the handsome prince...haha. Of course there's time she spews venom, saying things not so sweet, but very normal I think.
Friday, May 6, 2011
I'm new to this....
Hope I get the hang of this before I give up, I've heard blogging is the new way to journal, I need a way to keep up with memorys and dates, hope this works out.
New at this... hope I can get the hang of it before I give up.
I wanted to blog as a way to keep up with life.... like a diary, I heard it said this is a good way, givin it a try and see if it works for me.
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